Sunday, June 15, 2008

South Carolina

Be the first to list your church. Simply post a comment with the following short info:

Name of church
What's the worship music like? (Contemporary, hymns, long, fast, loud etc?)
What's the speaking like? (Old school Bible, culturally relevant, by video etc?)
What's the childcare like?
What's your favorite thing?
What would you change?
Can I wear jeans?


Angie said...

East Lake Community Church
What's the worship music like? Contemporary, about 20-30 min., some say it can be loud, but I don't think so.
What's the speaking like? Culturally relevant, Our pastor, Kevin Pike is an easy going, down to earth fun guy.
What's the childcare like? We have an AWESOME children's ministry
What's your favorite thing? Worship
What would you change? We have three services.
Can I wear jeans? Yes

Nathan Duvall said...

Name of church: LifePoint Church
City: Greenville, SC
What's the worship music like? Mixed Contemporary/Hymns, upbeat but not loud
What's the speaking like? Culturally relevant, very practical
What's the childcare like? Nursery, Preschool and Elementary provided
What's your favorite thing? The honesty and "realness" of our people
What would you change? Honestly? Absolutely nothing.
Can I wear jeans? Yes - the clothes you wear are not our concern here

MandiLiv said...

Crossroads Community Church
What's the worship like?
Contemporary. Every now and then a hymn is thrown in (Which is good - it's our heritage). But it's worship music, it's upbeat, but not too loud.
What's the speaking like? Based on the Bible. Pastor isn't afraid to step on toes to speak the word of God. But he's a good speaker, funny, and very relevant.
What's the childcare like? AWESOME! Very caring people. Nursery, Preschool, and elementary. AWANA program also. Puppet ministry. MOPS. Lots and Lots for families and kids.
What's your favorite thing? The small groups and people. CARIG!
What would you change? Would like to be able to know more people. We have 2 cycles of services.
Can I wear jeans? YES!

Rita said...

Journey Church
Summerville, SC

Music: What does "Contemporary" mean? Our band rocks. They don't typically do hymns. They're pretty loud.
Speaking: We are a young congregation in two ways -- new church plant and also not a lot of people over 35 at this point. The speaking is definitely targeted at a younger age group. Which I like because ... I'm young! :)
Childcare: There are three different groups: Babies (the non-walkers), toddlers, preschool, and children. We have a strong team of qualified volunteers led by an excellent children's minister. The kids have a lot of fun and learn a lot every week.
My Favorite Thing: The people.
What would I change? We're in a temporary location right now. It'd be nice to have our own building so the set-up/tear-down parts would be easier.
Can I wear jeans? Absolutely. Our pastors preach in flip flops. We're in South Carolina!

Anonymous said...

Name of church: Sandhills Community Church
City: Columbia
What's the worship music like?: Contemporary; 20-25 min; can be "loudish" but not uncomfortably so.
What's the speaking like?: Expositional/Bible-teaching sprinkled with liberal doses of humor and culturally-relevant application.
What's the childcare like?: My kids have faked NOT being sick so they don't have to miss SandKidz
What's your favorite thing?: Diverse group of people brought together to worship, learn and love.
What would you change?: It would be nice to not have to meet in an elementary school. We own land and hope to break ground in the next couple of months, so God-willing, this will be come reality within the next year or so.
Can I wear jeans?: Oh, yeah.

Sarah Hayes said...

Foothills Community Church
Pastor's Blog:
What's the worship music like? Contemporary and starting 7/08 there will be a Modern worship service starting
What's the speaking like? Relevant. Never heard a message that wasn't applicable. Very laid back, straight-forward and loving.
What's the childcare like? Great. A little over-crowded, but that will change 7/08 when we start using the new building.
What's your favorite thing? It is progressive, relaxed, somewhat diverse, and keeps my attention.
What would you change? More diversity
Can I wear jeans? YES!

Anonymous said...

DayStar Church
Summerville, SC

What's the worship music like?
Our songs come from many sources, some popular, some less known and even a few originals. Our worship leader a rocker from way back (think 'gray goatee') so the musical style leans toward the contemporary, but might go any direction. Although, not abstract, definitely freeform. The emphasis is more on the one who is worshiped then the form the worship takes.

What's the speaking like?
I’d call it ‘old school’. Our pastor is not a highly trained seminarian. Just a normal guy (former Marine, Cop and Fireman) who met the Lord later in his life and loves Him and His Word.

What's the childcare like?
The children are in the main service for the music and during the sermon, have their own program. There is a nursery for the little ones.

What's your favorite thing?
The sense of community. It’s kind of like an overgrown home group.

Our pastor loves to provide more specialized teaching, especially on Spiritual Gifts, although he realizes this does not draw or hold a crowd. And, that's fine with him.

What would you change?
Some have referred us as introverted. It is a very small congregation that values depth more then width and so can be seen as less accessible then, for contrast, a ‘seeker’ fellowship.

Can I wear jeans?
Jeans, shorts, flops, suits. open collar or tie; as long as you wear clothes. Sometimes, the worship leader goes barefoot.

Anonymous said...

What's the worship music like? Contemporary
What's the speaking like? Our pastor is kinda old-school but likes to say things like "booger" and "stones" as in, a man should have them...
What's the childcare like? Your basic nursery for 0-3 and then children's church classes for kids up to 12.
What's your favorite thing? That our church is in a small, rural, "real" community. Everybody knows everybody and is all up in ya bizness, but in a good way.
What would you change? Have the pastor say things like "booger" and "diarrhea" less. Oh, and make me the associate pastor so I can get paid.
Can I wear jeans? You'd better, or yes.

Katie said...

Charleston Harbor Bible Church
Charleston, SC
What's the worship music like? Praise choruses and hymns
What's the speaking like? Bible focused - expository preaching with practical application
What's the childcare like? great - your kids will have fun and learn a lot
What's your favorite thing? family atmosphere, great fellowship
What would you change? can't think of anything!
Can I wear jeans? yes!

Anonymous said...

Name of church: ZChurch
City: Fort Mill
What's the worship music like? (Contemporary, hymns, long, fast, loud etc?): Contemporary, prophetic worship, 45mins-hour long
What's the speaking like? (Old school Bible, culturally relevant, by video etc?): Relevant, Biblical teaching that will challenge you.
What's the childcare like?: No child care yet (children are welcome in the service and are not considered a distraction)
What's your favorite thing?: Worship
What would you change?: Add Child Care
Can I wear jeans?: Yes

Anonymous said...

Faith Assembly of God

Summerville, SC

What's the worship music like? Contemporary but we can go old school.

What's the speaking like? It's culturally relevant but Bible based. Our pastor is down to earth but not afraid to preach the Word.

What's the childcare like? Amazing. We offer childcare from nursery to kids that are 12. Then there is a junior high service for kids in 6th through 8th grade.

What's your favorite thing? I love the worship.

What would you change? I can't think of anything major but if I had to change something, maybe offer things on different nights so that you can have more opportunity to get involved in multiple outreaches.

Can I wear jeans? Yes

BillRead said...

Saint James Church, Episcopal

James Island, Charleston, SC

What's the worship music like?
Three different styles of services:

- Music-free, at 8am

- Children's Church at 9am, songs and worship for families with little kids.

-Contemporary praise band with acoustic guitars, piano, drums, bass, at 10:30am (except summertime, at 9am)

-Traditional choir with Organ (and sometime brass), at 10:30am (year-round)

What's the speaking like?
Culturally relevant, but the gospel is not diluted (Bible-centered, and orthodox)

What's the childcare like?
Two separate nurseries for infants and toddlers, Children's Chapel where ages 4 through 4th grade exit worship before the sermon, and have their own worship time before returning before communion.

What's your favorite thing?
That we are not ashamed of the gospel. The setting is an old parish (1730s), on a Sea Island. There are people who are active who have been here all their lives (60-70 years), as well as active relative newcomers.

What would you change?
The idea that things should always stay the same.

Can I wear jeans?
Yes, to every service.

David said...

NewSpring Church

Anderson, Greenville, Florence

Music: A lot of contemporary, occasional hymns, and some secular. Loud, but I don't think it's too loud.

Speaker: Perry is an amazing speaker. He's poignant, funny, and keeps Jesus as the point of his message. He's live in Anderson and on video in Greenville and Florence. Go to the website and watch a sermon.

Childcare: We have an awesome and age relevant children's program. The teaching is on their level without ever using flannel graph Jesus. The kids have been known to drag their parents back weekly until they meet Jesus. Kids are a huge priority for us.

My favorite thing: The connections I've made with people my age and the older people who look out for us and show us how to maintain a Godly lifestyle beyond college.

I'd change: There are lots of ways to get connected, but it seems to be harder for introverts to take that first step since the visible volunteers are so outgoing. Maybe highlight the behind the scenes volunteering opportunities more.

Jeans: Whatever you're comfortable in. Which will most likely be jeans.

Joe said...

Southside Fellowship
Greenville, SC

What's the worship music like? 2 identical services (3 starting in August) consisting of contemporary praise and worship, occasional hymns and sometimes secular prelude songs. Quite upbeat but not loud.

What's the speaking like? Expository teaching through entire books of the Bible--in series.

What's the childcare like? Worship and curriculum geared specifically towards kids. They are separated mostly by grade level/age and have a variety of opportunities on Sunday morning to learn more about Jesus. Nursery/infant care is quite stellar too.

What's your favorite thing? The community of people. It is truly a grace-based environment and I always feel welcome there. Of course, I'm on staff too... so this entire entry may be biased...

What would you change? More community-wide organized outreach opportunities would be fun... but it can be difficult to organize such things in a large church environment.

Can I wear jeans? Absolutely! Wear whatever feels comfortable. Maybe avoid wearing those Zubaz pants you like so much though. You might stick out more than you expected. :)

Anonymous said...

Cathedral of Praise
North Charleston, SC


It's contemporary definately... like Hillsong contemporary. We can also get pretty loud of First Thursday. Hymns every now in then just to mix it up and cater to the old school folks... but it's usually a hymn remix lol.


Pastor Mike uses video once in awhile, his services deal with things that are relevant in our daily lives now. He mixes it up with scripture and applies it accordingly. He is not afraid to speak the truth of God's word. He says it like it is.


We have the best children programs in the tricounty area in my opinion. The staff work very hard to give the children their own special experience and encounter with God on their level.

What's your favorite thing?

My favorite definately is the worship and Pastor Mike. He's got a big heart for our community and the lost.

What would you change?

I would make the worship in the mornings a tiny bit longer bc sometimes it seems they rush through it and then service starts. I would focus more on the intimate worship with God and keep the service time the same. I think Pastor should have more alter calls too. Not like every weekend, but maybe once a month. Or every other weekend. Because I'm sure more times than not, there are unsaved people who visit our church every weekend, and want to know how to do this "God thing" but are afraid to ask.

Can I wear jeans?


Ben Swampfox said...

Secoast Christian Non Denominational Church. it is a great church with many locations and different services all over the charleston area, and campuses in georgia and north carolina even. the main campus is in mount pleasant. the church is very open, with mostly contemporary, and loud, and fun with food, a gift shop, and a great place to find Jesus and friends

Ben Swampfox said..., btw

Anonymous said...

Life Way Church
York, SC
MUSIC: Modern, upbeat, southern rock, pretty loud, but I love it! Yet very worshipful and moving at the right times.
SPEAKING: Culturally relevant, life applicable teaching.
CHILDREN: Loving childcare for nursery, teaching for preschoolers. We offer a weekly "Family Production" for children and their parents in 1st-6th grade. We use a virtue and character-driven curriculum that leads people to make wise choices.
CHANGES: We meet in an old towndown theater and are currently looking for an alternative location to build or purchase/lease. We hope God provides soon.
CAN I WEAR JEANS? We all do...yes...feel free to join us.

Anonymous said...

New Covenant Church of God
North Charleston, SC

What's the worship music like?
Generally speaking, it's pretty contemporary. We have an awesome band, but always need new members! :D We have a "Heritage Sunday" on occasion and we sing hymns, but even these are well done!

What's the speaking like?
The pastor is pretty much a contemporary speaker. He uses illustrations to convey points and he tends to get a bit loud at times, but it's obvious that he's passionate about speaking God's word. He once said that he wouldn't get behind the pulpit if he didn't feel God had given him a word to speak, and I'm absolutely sure he's honored that promise.

What's the childcare like?
We have a pretty decent childcare progam. Our rooms were just recently redone and the kids love them! The teachers are really great and they're always working to make things better!

What's your favorite thing?
I love the people. I've honestly never walked into a church were I felt so loved... the people there will truly become family if you let them. Of course there is some level of 'church politics', but overall, the people just exude the love of Christ. How awesome!

What would you change?
Parking! We're running out of parking spaces! Hopefully, that will change soon!

Can I wear jeans?
You can wear whatever you want! We'll love you however you come! :D

Morgan said...

Name: DCF (Downtown Christian Fellowship)
Clemson, SC
The worship music is contemporary, occasional hymns. The church contains many musically talented people who do the music. Full band, occasional violins, banjo, and other stringed instruments, however the worship leader just left...

The speaking is fabulous. The pastor is a funny guy who loves sharing the word of the Lord. We touch on many different relevant topics...

Childcare... we have it, there are only a few children, but the workers love kids so...

House Church is my favorite thing. It's like a bible study but more... they occur at different times during the week and help you get plugged in and meet people... grows the sense of communtiy.

I wouldn't change anything
Yes, you can wear jeans.