Sunday, June 15, 2008


Be the first to list your church. Simply post a comment with the following short info:

Name of church
What's the worship music like? (Contemporary, hymns, long, fast, loud etc?)
What's the speaking like? (Old school Bible, culturally relevant, by video etc?)
What's the childcare like?
What's your favorite thing?
What would you change?
Can I wear jeans?


Jan said...

*Centro de Fe, Esperanza, Y Amor
*El Carmen, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
*No website (no sitio de red)
*The music is a mix of contemporary and traditional Mexican music. Very loud! (La musica es una mezcla de contemporanea y tradicional. El volumen es muy fuerte!)
*The speaking is about an hour long. Usually based in the Old Testament. The pastor is funny and always interesting. (La predicacion is una hora mas o menos. Normalmente basado en el Antiguo Testamento. El pastor es chistoso y siempre interesante.)
*The childcare is okay. The little ones are in a nursery in the auditorium, the others have sunday school during the preaching. (El cuido de los ninos esta bien. Los pequenos estan en el auditorio en la cuna, y los mayores tienen escuela dominical durante la predicacion.)
*My favorite thing is the preaching and the music. (Mi cosa favorita es la predicacion y la musica.)
* I wish we had more money for air conditioning during the summer and heat during the winter. Sometimes it is difficult to pay attention when you are really cold and shivering. (Quisiera tener mas dinero por aire condicionado en el verano y califaccion en el invierno.A veces es dificil ponerse atencion cuando tienes frio y estas temblando del frio.)
* Yes, you can wear jeans. (Si, puedes poner mezclilla.)

Rubí said...

Comunidad Cristiana de México
Guadalupe, Nuevo León
Contemporary worship.
Very biblical sermons & cool pastors.
Both morning services have creche and kids church.
Favourite thing: The friendliness & the youth group.
What would I change: I would add more parking.
You can wear jeans!