Sunday, June 15, 2008


Be the first to list your church. Simply post a comment with the following short info:

Name of church
What's the worship music like? (Contemporary, hymns, long, fast, loud etc?)
What's the speaking like? (Old school Bible, culturally relevant, by video etc?)
What's the childcare like?
What's your favorite thing?
What would you change?
Can I wear jeans?


Eveline said...

-All Peoples Church,
-Bangalore, India
-Contemporary Music- Music especially from Hillsong United.
-The message/service is very relevant to what the youth goes through at present.
-Excellent Sunday School at church. A number of volunteers always willing to help.
-The worship is my favorite part.
-Ways to get to know new visitors must be improved.
-You can wear anything you want to the church.

Unknown said...

Madras Marthoma Syrian Church
Chennai, India

The English service is heavily run by the youth, including contemporary music, testimonies, body worship (?) and the rare loud speaker.

Culturally relevant+old school Bible

Childcare is usually in the meeting hall where Sunday School is held. Sunday School and the 'Senior' (AKA youth) classes are down to earth and have relevant discussions about young people in today's society.

Favourites include the the youth group, the newer songs in the worship and the people I meet.

I would change the structure of the order of worship, it could use more organisation.

If you're young, you can get wear jeans, just wear a nice top.