Sunday, June 15, 2008

United Kingdom - England Specific

Be the first to list your church. Simply post a comment with the following short info:

Name of church
What's the worship music like? (Contemporary, hymns, long, fast, loud etc?)
What's the speaking like? (Old school Bible, culturally relevant, by video etc?)
What's the childcare like?
What's your favorite thing?
What would you change?
Can I wear jeans?


Ian@UK said...

Soul Survivor Watford
Watford, Hertfordshire
Contemporary music, sometimes old hymns done in a new way. Sometimes Spirit-led
Relevant, pointing into the bible. Don't expect a theological seminary, but teaching is very relevant to young people.
Youth-based church, so Sunday schools for under 14 - ish. PM service no childcare. Aimed at teenagers/young adults due to lack of seats.
Very intimate prayer ministry with no pushing over/hyping up. Pastoral team are really against hyping up the Holy Spirit and try and make sure things are genuine.
Sometimes it can be a bit repetitive.
AM service, yes. PM service its almost expected.

John said...

Cardiff, Wales
Fairly contemporary choice of songs, electric guitar, drums etc...
Has some trouble singing hymns-- I don't think half the congregation remember how to.
Speaking varies. Always bible-based and relevant but occasionally bordering on the cute Fluffy side.
Creche and Kid's "tracks" available.
The Free Coffee. The Joy people there take in praying for each other. The Friendly congregation.
The Musically-inspired Worship team need some new PA equipment.
The seats in the middle of the Sanctuary have been set up in a small arch, which personally, limits my legroom.
I'd rather you did wear jeans, it makes me feel less underdressed.

Lee said...


Conwy, North Wales

The worship is modern, lively and upbeat.
If you're a Christian, think Tim Hughes, Matt Redman, Johnny Parks, Brian Johnson, Chris Tomlin.
If you're not a Christian, think The Killers, Snow Patrol, U2, Coldplay.

The message is always aimed at helping you deal with real life issues, and the best news is it only lasts 20-25 minutes!
Recent series include:
'The Functional Family and Other Such Myths' - looking at issues that affect family life
'Killing Giants' - dealing with issues such as addiction, low self esteem, anger, finances.

The message will usually include video clips and slides to help get the point across.

i61 Kids classes are provided for all ages, these include fun activities and always relate to the main message that week.

My favourite thing is we meet in a pub, so you can stay around and enjoy a drink after the meeting.

Due to the location it can be hard to get a good view (there's no pews or even rows of seats), so arrive early and get a good seat!

You can always wear jeans at i61. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in, except speedos, they are banned.

Anonymous said...

Name of church - Emmanuel Community Church
City/Country - Kingstanding, North Birmingham, UK
Website -
What's the worship music like? (Contemporary, hymns, long, fast, loud etc?) - loud and modern, often spirit led, songs will include modern day stuff, sometimes mixing in a golden oldie
What's the speaking like? (Old school Bible, culturally relevant, by video etc?) life relevant, bible led
What's the childcare like? stuff is avaible for ages upto about 14
What's your favorite thing? its relaxed
What would you change? the building, but plans are being drawn up as we speak about that
Can I wear jeans? most certainly, i often wear shorts and walk bare foot!

Josh said...

Name of church
Partick Trinity Church
Glasgow, Scotland
A mix of hymns and contemporary
Excellent Biblically based teaching
They have a youth club, good news club for under 11s during AM service
I really love the community feel and the housegroups
Slightly less structure
You most certainly can

Anonymous said...

Almond Vineyard
Edinburgh, Scotland

What's the worship music like?
Contemporary worship, tending toward the slower and more intimate end of the scale, plenty of Vineyard songs, Chris Tomlin, Martin Smith, Matt Redman, some home-grown songs and a few hymns. Generally in one reasonably unbroken flow for 35-40 minutes.

What's the speaking like?
Biblically based, relaxed and culturally relevant. Focused on application. Sermons generally last 30-35 minutes.

What's the childcare like?
Excellent. We meet in a school which has dedicated creche areas and great equipment. Kids go straight to 'VKids' before the service and have their own praise time there, rather than staying in with the grown ups. 'Youth' stay in for the main worship (quite a few are involved in it anyway) and have dedicated youth group activities some weeks, but not all.

What's your favorite thing?
Family atmosphere. There's a great mix of folk spanning all ages. And its not like the church is run by one particular subset (e.g. I've been at churches where all the significant people were 50-something men).

Oh, and having the coffee and goodies (muffins, brownies, nice chewy oaty things) at the beginning AND end of the service is great.

What would you change?
I'd have a few more 'celebratory' songs in the worship, the current mix is all quite slow and intimate.

There is currently no evening meeting on a Sunday. I'd like the occasional one...

Can I wear jeans?
Yes. The pastor and about 60% of the congregation do. Suits look out of place, folk in casual trousers, shirt & tie fit in fine though.

Anonymous said...

Minehead Baptist Church

Minehead, Somerset

What's the worship music like?
A bit of everything! There are different groups that lead the worship. It depends on the group and the service!

What's the speaking like?
Bible led and relevant. Have a listen:

What's the childcare like?
There's a crèche and 'JAM' (Jesus & Me) up to 14/15

What's your favorite thing?
The friendly atmosphere. We're a 'sea-side' Church and love to welcome visitors!

What would you change?
Having biscuits with the tea/coffee after the morning service!

Can I wear jeans?
Yep. Anything from jeans to a jacket and tie fit in fine.

Anonymous said...

Name of church: The Well Church

City/Country: Blackpool , Lancashire


What's the worship music like? Contemporary, 40-60mins, mellow and loud depending what is called for

What's the speaking like? : Culturally relevant without diluting any of the gospel or doctrine.

What's the childcare like? creche that opens after the first 2 worship songs as there normaly kids songs.

What's your favorite thing? : Its like the church in acts!

What would you change? Have more variation in worship songs like jazzing up some old school hymns

Can I wear jeans? : You could be clad in spandex and be welcome (as long as no lunging takes place)

Hillary said...

City/Country: Birmingham, England


What's the worship music like? Contemporary

What's the speaking like? culturally relevant

What's the childcare like? Good: Creche, Children's Church, Youth stuff

What's your favorite thing? How GREAT & KIND the people are

Can I wear jeans? Yes

Christy said...

Jesmond Parish Church
Newcastle Upon Tyne
I am new to Anglican churches (3 years and this is my first one) but I have been told it is a really bizarre mix of really anglican and really not anglican. Liturgy and formal, some weeks more formal (all the creeds, old hymns, sung from service sheets) than others, some weeks really really informal (lyrics projected on tvs throughout church, bit more upbeat) (it is on a rotation.. so you see a pattern) Play anything from Soul Survivor and Hillsong stuff to Getty's to old old hymns.
A range of vicars and other church staff who rotate teaching. Amazing teaching. Passages read from old and new testament each week during the liturgy and one is preached on. really helpful for non Christians to see the connection of what goes on in the bible. Really easy church to bring non believers to. Things are explained really well in the sermon as well as in the service order so new people can follow. Sermons usually follow a book series (ie Colossians this summer during the evenings) or a topic (series of biblical biblical responses to materialism, secularism etc etc isms )
9:30, 11:15 and 6:30. I THINK creche is only on at 9:30.. but check the website. Really good kids programs though from what I hear. (It is a big church)
my favourite thing.. the people. It has really become a family for me. It is easy to bring unchurched people and internationals too. Very accessible. Active at getting people plugged in even though it is a large church. Free tea and coffee after 9:30 and 6:30 services is nice. Also cheap student supper after evening service for students is helpful for bonding and yummy.
it's prob just me because i am not used to liturgy but having songs, then sitting, then song then prayers, then song then creed etc can distract me a bit from singing to God .. i do like the liturgy bits.. if only the singing could be all at once! :)
if you are wearing much more than jeans you'll feel overdressed. but you are welcome to.