Sunday, June 15, 2008


Be the first to list your church. Simply post a comment with the following short info:

Name of church
What's the worship music like? (Contemporary, hymns, long, fast, loud etc?)
What's the speaking like? (Old school Bible, culturally relevant, by video etc?)
What's the childcare like?
What's your favorite thing?
What would you change?
Can I wear jeans?


Anonymous said...

Name: Daybreak Community Church

City: Colchester, VT (outside Burlington)


Music: Contemporary

Speaking: Culturally relevant, biblically-based

Childcare: "Kidzone" for kids birth-5th grade provided during the sermon portion of the service.

Favorite thing: Once a year they cancel their Sunday service to go out and serve in the Burlington community.

I would change: Not much! The population can vary dramatically depending on whether or not the local colleges are in session.

Can I wear jeans?: Absolutely. It's Vermont. You should wear Birkenstocks, too.

Anonymous said...

I am a Christian med student at the UVM College of Medicine. I maintain a list of solid, Bible-teaching churches in the Burlington area.

Anyone interested can find this list at