Sunday, June 15, 2008


Be the first to list your church. Simply post a comment with the following short info:

Name of church
What's the worship music like? (Contemporary, hymns, long, fast, loud etc?)
What's the speaking like? (Old school Bible, culturally relevant, by video etc?)
What's the childcare like?
What's your favorite thing?
What would you change?
Can I wear jeans?


Anonymous said...

Name of church: Maranatha Christian Reformed Church
City: Belleville, ON
What's the worship music like? (Contemporary, hymns, long, fast, loud etc?) Contemporary and extremely talented. The musicians put a lot of time into getting ready and it shows.
What's the speaking like? (Old school Bible, culturally relevant, by video etc?) Very biblical with a cultural application and very strong/intellectual
What's your favorite thing? The church is VERY youth oriented, and community based.
What would you change? I would be in the area to attend more.
Can I wear jeans? Yah of course. Some of the older people wear slacks and such, but if you sit near the front behind the youth, you'll fit in right in with jeans and a t-shirt.

Anonymous said...

Name of church: Crosspoint Wesleyan Church (formerly Olivet)
City: Fredericton, NB

What's the worship music like? Mostly contemporary -- a good mix of Tomlin, Hillsong, and Crowder, along with some re-done hymns for the old-schoolers. And sometimes just a few older choruses for the heck of it.

What's the speaking like? Modern and relevant -- great Biblical teaching, lots of humor, never longer than 25-30 minutes, often times with videos, etc. Sadly, we have never had an eagle be a part of a sermon, though.

What's the childcare like? We have an awesome kids program called 'The Factory' with classes for every age group. Each room has been totally re-done and is fully stocked with great teachers, music, games and other awesomeness.

What's your favorite thing? Lots of coffee. Really good Second Cup coffee. Along with a great sense that God is moving and we're growing like crazy. That too.

What would you change? Some more newer, edgier music. But it's coming.

Can I wear jeans? Please wear jeans.

Anonymous said...

Name of church: Church on 99

City: Edmonton, AB

and (the youth centre)

What's the worship music like? (Contemporary, hymns, long, fast, loud etc?) Contemporary - Very Hillsong Inspired. Each service gets a little louder/edgy so if you're more sensitive to that, come to the 10:00 am service

What's the speaking like? (Old school Bible, culturally relevant, by video etc?) Our pastor teaches on biblical principles in a way that is still applicable to life today. Lots of sermon illustrations via video, drama or props. These sermons stick in your head.

What's the childcare like? Our church has it's own youth centre facility called 9910 that is used for kids church. This program runs at the same time as the main worship service and ministers to kids in a way that is fun and age appropriate. Nursery and Pre-school classes also run in our main building. We also have a Parent's seating area and a cry room at the back of the sanctuary for those who'd rather keep their kids in the service with them.

What's your favorite thing? The church really is a big family. There are so many different ways to get involved and meet people. Lots of personal growth opportunities and major large scale events to bring out friends and family to.

What would you change? Our site was built from pre-exsisting structures so the atrium/foyer is very small considering how much the church is growing. That makes it hard to relax and just hang out with people after the service.

Can I wear jeans? This church is totally come as you are. You'll fit in whether in a tie or jeans.

Anonymous said...

Name of church: Full Gospel Pentecostal Assemply

City: Antigonish, Nova Scotia


What's the worship music like? (Contemporary, hymns, long, fast, loud etc?) Contemporary songs; the odd hymn, every few weeks; worship team is reduced to a solo (young, contemporary) pianist worship leader in the summer when all the university students leave. Usually runs 45 min. with a mix of fast and slow songs. not loud.

What's the speaking like? (Old school Bible, culturally relevant, by video etc?) Biblically sound but not super challenging or deep

What's the childcare like? a small congregation, so not a ton of kids. there is a nursery for babies and one class for 4-6 yr olds.

What's your favorite thing? freedom to do whatever: sing loud, dance, pray- go with it. Also the large % of international congregation members. They get a lot of people from Africa and India who have come to university in Antigonish

What would you change? deeper teaching, more musicians, more congregation participation (from non-university crowd) in worship

Can I wear jeans? yes you can. the worship leader does sometimes, that means you definitely have permission. Don't let the older people in dresses and ties throw you off. Even if you don't see them this week, there have been plenty of crazy outfits in & out of there over the years. No worries.

Anonymous said...

Name of church: Sunago (University Ministry)
City: Victoria, BC on the University of Victoria Campus
Website:, although the facebook group would be better to check out

What's the worship music like: contemporary, sometimes we dig out the hymn for a little serious face-to-face with God. Sometimes we throw in those secular songs that we are pretty sure are talking about God like U2's Where the streets have no names

What's the speaking like? Culturally relevant and very Bible-based. My pastor is a fan of working through books because he said all too often people skip the hard sections. Jesus and the Bible are always in the sermon because I mean that's what it is all about

What's the childcare like: Since this is a university ministry on campus, there is no childcare.. in fact the majority of group is between 17-27

What's your favorite thing: There is hardcore coffee shop feel. Between the songs and the speaking, we take a 20-30 minutes coffee break and chat. Coffee and goodies are free and the coffee is suprizingly decent in taste.I like the opportunity for community.

What would you change: I would change the variety of music, sometimes they get stuck on a couple of good songs and then beat them to death and then move on the next victims... I mean songs

Can I wear jeans: Totally, we hold our service beside the campus pub and are in the old nightclub... jeans are the norm

timheerebout said...

Name of church: West London Alliance Church
City London, ON
What's the worship music like? Contemporary with some nods to tradition
What's the speaking like? Bible based with smatterings of cultural relevance
What's the childcare like? Awesome nursury and good kids program
What's your favorite thing? The people...very warm and friendly
What would you change? Our building is in need of upgrades...coming soon we hope
Can I wear jeans? Yes. Many people wouldn't but our church is in transition from old school to newer and so we have a mix.

Amity said...

Name of church: Granville Calvary Baptist Church (This is nothing like Baptist churches in the Southern US.)
City: Vancouver, BC
What's the worship music like? It fluctuates between folk, folk rock, hymns, taize, latin, latin american, and international worship songs. There are a bunch of different worship leaders, and anyone in the congregation who sings or plays is probably up there helping with the music at least a couple of times a year. We've had trumpets, accordion, flute, fiddle, guitar, djembe drums, piano, rain sticks, you name it.
What's the speaking like? Depending on the preacher it is abstract and scholarly (older middle-aged guy from Vancouver), emotional and liberal (young former Lutheran gal from Toronto), or conservative, concrete and biblical (younger middle-aged guy from Burundi).
What's the childcare like? There is Sunday School for kids. The nursery is a place for parents to be with restless or crying babies while they listen to the sermon on a speaker.
What's your favorite thing? People are very honest. There's no false holiness going around. They struggle openly, which I find very encouraging. I also love that there's an accidental atmosphere of attachment parenting. Oh yes, and they are deeply involved in helping in the local community with housing, jobs, food, and friendship.
What would you change? I'd like more bible in two-thirds of the sermons.
Can I wear jeans? Oh yeah. Folks wear jeans and nice suits, dreads and crew cuts.

Percipia said...

Name of Church: Greenwood Church

City: Port Hope, Ont.


What's the worship music like?: I play the piano and people tell me what songs they want to sing. We have an overhead projector and a portable file box of transparencies. I've had to learn some Johnny Cash and other country music. We don't sing well, but we mean it.

What's the speaking like?: Mostly English. We read a section of scripture and talk through it. Once a month at breakfast we have a story (The Continuing Adventures of Tony and Walt). Sometimes we get off topic. Last week we traded stories about getting hit on by lesbians. Not sure how many were true.

What's your favourite (note Canadian spelling) thing?: Everybody's very honest and often angry about stuff that's happened. We don't always agree, but we love each other. That, and we have breakfast once a month when our attendance increases by about tenfold.

What would you change?: I'd get the piano tuned. (shudder) And fewer raccoons.

Can I wear jeans?: Strongly recommended. Unless you've got a good pair of track pants. PJs are cool, too. Shorts, if you've got some good tats to show off. Naked ladies welcome. Tatoos, that is.

Percipia said...

PS re Greenwood Church

What's the childcare like?: They don't often come, but when they do, they ask for a couple of songs and we sing them. Then they take turns on the yellow chair with wheels. They push each other around on the dance floor.

Hannah said...

Name of church: Living Waters
City: Dease Lake, British Columbia
Website: you're kidding.
What's the worship music like?
whatever song comes to the worship leader's mind on Saturday night.
What's the speaking like? it's almost like a small group because it's so, well, small.
What's the childcare like? my kids are the only kids, so...pretty good.
What's your favorite thing? it's relaxed.
What would you change? my attitude
Can I wear jeans? why get all formal when everyone else comes in sweatpants? The really flattering kind with the elastic at the ankle?

Murray said...

Name of church: Grace Fellowship
City: Saskatoon, SK
What's the worship music like? (Contemporary, hymns, long, fast, loud etc?: Variety, mostly sung to guitar.
What's the speaking like? Teaching the Bible (mostly through books of the Bible expositionally) - focusing on Jesus who is relevant for every time and culture. Questions and dialog is encouraged.
What's the childcare like? Relaxed family-gathering type atmosphere. Children play quietly or colour or read or listen in.
What's your favorite thing? The desire to be real.
What would you change? Have small round tables set up coffee house style as opposed to sitting around the big tables that are currently there in the hall.
Can I wear jeans? Absolutely - the pastors do! (When they are not wearing shorts that is). Wear whatever you would typically wear when your "family" gets together.

Little Riverr said...

Name of church
City Barrie, ON
What's the worship music like? (Contemporary, hymns, long, fast, loud etc?): Not great. It's a very free environment to worship, but the music...not so great. However, the old people will get up and dance sometimes which is really refreshing.
What's the speaking like? (Old school Bible, culturally relevant, by video etc?: Depends on the pastor. The lead pastor, Adam is great. He appeals to a wide variety of audiences. Bruce has a lame sense of humour, and Steve is good and more youth oriented as the youth pastor. They all have weird habits. There tends to be some sort of video sometimes.
What's the childcare like? Not sure, but I know it exists and I know people who help out with it. There's something available from newborns to grade 8.
What's your favorite thing? The openness and community. The lack of cliques. The ability to wear whatever you want. How we accept people with disabilities, addicts, homosexuals, etc. as well as the odd "normal" christian.
What would you change? the amount of seniors.
Can I wear jeans? yep.

JamCam said...

Name of church: Luts Mountain Church of the Nazarene
City: Moncton, New Brunswick
What's the worship music like? it's 70/30 as far as contemporary/traditional goes, but traditional almost all has contemporary flair to it.
What's the speaking like? it's spiritually relevant to each of us. Wasn't that Jesus' method?
What's the childcare like? probably one of the best children's programs in the province, especially for a smaller church
What's your favorite thing? the amount of talented, blessed, & gifted people in the congregation for the sie of the church (which is about 120)
What would you change? The building. Although the church has a "vision team" that is constructing a proposal for growth, I sometimes wish it would mistakenly burn to the ground.
Can I wear jeans? of course, but don't be offended if nobody else is.

Anonymous said...

Name of church: North Park Community Church

City: London, ON


What's the worship music like?
There's a Saturday Night service that has the most contemporary music, the first two Sunday services are a blend a contemporary and hymns. The last Sunday service is mostly all hymns.

What's the speaking like? (Old school Bible, culturally relevant, by video etc?): very relevant and engaging, but always rooted deeply in the word of God.

What's the childcare like?
there's childcare up to age 10.. and Jr. and Sr. High programs that run on Sundays and Tuesday/Wednesday.

What's your favorite thing?
I love how there's always things to do, ways to volunteer and get involved.

What would you change?
bringing more of a small church feel to it.

Can I wear jeans?
for sure.

mike said...

Name of church: Real Life Community Church
City: Surrey, BC
What's the music like? Contemporary, folky...
What's the speaking like? interesting, slightly sarcastic at times (in a reverent way), outta-the-bible.
What's your favorite thing? Everybody's so normal; in a slightly nerdy way.
What's Childcare like: great kids' ministry for all ages, and once a month we get everybody together for a "family service"
Can I wear jeans? you bet!

What would you change? more info on the website

Anonymous said...

Name of church: Metropolitan Bible Church
City: Ottawa, ON

What's the worship music like? Depends! There are three services (9am, 10:50am and 11am): at the 9 and 11 it tends toward ballads from the 80s and hymns, but the 10:50 is a bit more contemporary.
What's the speaking like? Very biblical; the messages are intellectual without being over anyone's head
What's the childcare like? I've heard good things about it but never used it I can't really say.
What's your favorite thing? They have a strong appreciation of truthfulness and are missions-minded
What would you change? The prevailing attitudes at the church tend toward conservatism... they're not the most welcoming church
Can I wear jeans? Of course, at any of the services, although more young people go to the 10:50

Anonymous said...

Church Name: River's Edge Community Church
City: Montreal, Quebec

Music: Contemporary, Very talented musicians, about 30 minutes

Speaking: Culturally relevant, a bit long

Child Care: Available for 0 - 11 years. Nursery for 0 - 2, and Sunday school programs for 2 and up.

Favourite Thing: Refreshment Break, there are 500 people at RECC and I because of Refreshment Break I still know lots of them.

What I would change: We're in an old building that has a lot of problems. It's frigid in the winter.

Can I wear Jeans?: Almost everyone does. Suits and ties are Rare.